Individual Artists

Artist Producer Resource is a free, searchable online encyclopedia of information, resources, tools, and templates for producing independent performance work in Canada.

Deaf Artists and Theatres Toolkit . The Deaf Artists & Theatres Toolkit (DATT)! The DATT serves as a resource and guide to increase innovative collaborations between professional theatre companies and Deaf artists as well as to increase engagement with Deaf audiences.

Ontario Presents

Recorded Webinar

Ontario Presents: Recorded Webinar | Grant Writing 101 - Where Do I Start?

“It is important to realize that grant writing is a skill and a process that requires time and commitment. Spending some time preparing for grant writing before you start writing can increase your success rate and actually cut down on your time commitment. From how to determine what grants are best for your organization to preparing to actually write, this webinar will help increase your success rate.”

Tangled Art & Disability offers a range of helpful toolkits

The Accessibility Toolkit is a guide to making art spaces accessible, created by Humber College in partnership with Tangled Art + Disability.  It offers an introduction to and recommendations for incorporating accessibility features into aspects of exhibition design, such as: 

Vital Practices in the Arts is a resource guide for documenting, producing, and sharing arts and knowledge in ways that are accessible, collaborative, and disruptive. This guide is produced by Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology, and Access to Life (BIT) with collaborating partners Creative Users Projects and Tangled Art + Disability.

Work in Culture Offers professional development workshops, webinars, and e-learning opportunities. ’Our mission is to support the professional lives of artists, creatives, and cultural workers, and the organizations that support and engage them, through skills development, research, and career resources.’
